IT hub VK opened in the Bashir Rameev IT park

6 July 2023, Thursday

On July 6, a new VK office was opened at the Bashir Rameev Kazan IT Park. Over 1500 square meters includes open spaces, meeting areas, lounge areas, coffee point and open lecture hall. There are already 30 VK developers in the hub, including the Kazan team Movika, developing technologies and products for the creation and consumption of interactive content «Vkontakte». In total, the Kazan hub will accommodate up to 120 employees from all over Russia. The new space will regularly host master classes and meetups with the participation of company speakers and invited experts - both for employees and members of the IT community of Tatarstan. The first meetup was held on the opening day: top managers of VK Tech, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Dzen spoke at it.

In addition to the new IT hub, VK has eight offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Sochi. In total, the company has more than 11,000 employees.

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